At PITBULL BROTERS, we ask that you use PIT COINS instead of other forms of money/cash.
So before your meal, we ask that you first obtain some PIT COINS from the vending machine.
You can find the coin vending machine next to the kitchen counter.
When ordering, the price of each item on the menu is shown in PIT COINS.
Please use your coins when you order.
1,000yen = 3 PIT COINS 2,000yen = 6 PIT COINS・・・
10,000yen = 33 (worth 11,000yen!)
Any remaining coins can be used on your next visit to PBB.
(Sorry no refunds available)
まず、コイン販売機で当店の専用通貨[PIT COIN]をお買い求めいただき
お買い求めは¥1,000 = 3コイン~
¥10,000 のまとめ買いに限り
¥10,000 = 33コイン(プラス3コイン¥1,000分お得)